Information to Pilots
Conditions and Rules of Competition in the FAI World Cup Gp 2024
All pilots participating in the Gaelic GP agree to:
- It is forbidden to carry or display brands, logos, images, texts and any other element with messages of hate, discrimination, pornography, insults, racial slander and any other message that may cause a bad image to the Gaelic GP and its sponsors.
- Promote the values of safe flight, entertainment, sportsmanship, honesty and equality.
- Commit to safeguard the interests and image of the event and promote camaraderie among all participants and organizers of the event.
- It is forbidden to remove the image of the Gaelic GP and/or sponsors from any publication, etc.
- Send the organization a photo of each of the registered pilots with a transparent background, and all the necessary material for the media and promotion of the pilots.
- Respect and comply with all the rules of the competition.
- The use of the brand, logo, trademark, symbol or any other reference to leagues or competition tournaments other than Gaelic Gp is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by Gaelic Gp.
- The use of the brand, logo, registered trademark, commercial image or other identification that infringes applicable government and/or television regulations is prohibited.
- Failure to comply with any of these commitments by the Pilots may result in expulsion from the competition.
How many pilots can participate?
The maximum number of pilots will be 32, there will always be a reserve pilot. The organisation reserves the right to exclude any pilot from the competition, for not having sufficient experience of piloting in racing circuits, or for performing improper flight manoeuvres. The pilots must have and prove their federal licence in order to be able to participate.
The registration preference for participation will be based on the order of receipt of the confirmation email, which will indicate the driver's details, time and date of registration to participate in the Gaelic Gp Series 2024 events.
Once the registrations are closed and payments have been made, we will create a Whatsapp group of participating pilots, for any information, doubts, etc..., that the pilots may have.
Registrations will be closed once the registration of the 32 participating pilots is completed or by 10 September at the latest. The pilots who do not pay the registration fee on that date, will automatically become reserve pilots and will have 2 days to make and submit the payment of the registration fee.
How can I book to participate in the Gaelic Gp Series 2024?
To request your Registration Reservation, you will have to go to "Registration" and fill in all the information requested in online registration and click on the SEND button, once we inform you that registration is open.
How can I pay the registration fee?
By going to "Registration", you can make the payment, accessing to purchase for the Gaelic Gp 2024, and choosing the races in which you want to participate.
On the other hand, any rider who has registered for the Gp and does not attend will not be entitled to a refund from the organisers. In the event that the rider/s give at least 15 days notice that he/she will not be able to attend any of the events, the organisation reserves the right to study the reason and decide whether the registration fee will be credited.
How will I know if I have been selected to participate in the Gaelic Gp Series 2024?You will receive an email from the organisation informing you that you have been selected and we will register you in a WhatsUp chat with the other selected pilots, where you will receive all the information about the events, payments for participation in the events, doubts, etc.
- Free practice, Friday from 19.30am to 23.30pm, (8 groups of 4 pilots) and Saturday from 09.30am to 13.30pm (8 groups of 4 pilots).
- Qually Rounds (Q), A draw will be held to define the Pilots groups for the qualifying rounds. will be by Time, according to the best time (6 rounds), (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6), the 16 Pilots with best time qualify. 3 laps per round. ELIMINATION ROUNDS, 3 laps per round

- GRAND FINAL at 22.40pm. 3 lap
- Prize giving and closing ceremony, 23.20pm
- Note: These timetables are indicative
Trophies for the top 4 finishers.
Commitment of pilots
All Pilots participating in the Gaelic GP Series agree to:
- To be interviewed and invited to participate in workshops during the event.
- To be filmed and photographed for the subsequent dissemination and promotion of the event, in the media, social networks, etc., without this entailing any type of economic retribution from the organisation to the riders, without the possibility of any claim or lawsuit through the courts.
- To undertake to look after the interests and image of the event and to promote companionship among all the participants and organisers of the event.
- To respect and comply with all competition rules.
Failure to comply with any of these commitments by runners may result in expulsion from the competition.
Competition Rules
The rules that prevail and will be used for the competition are those of the FAI F9U.
Link to the FAI F9U rules:
Other applicable rules:
1. The circuit shall be protected with perimeter safety nets, at a maximum height of 6 m. from ground level, and with overhead safety netting.
2. It is allowed to compete with analogue and digital system (this must be the HDZero system).
3. Pilots must bring antennas with both polarisations (right and left). And for the competition, race direction will tell them which polarization they have to use in each moment of the competition.
4. Pilots using the HDZero digital system will use their goggles with their antennas as receivers of the video signal from their drone. It is the pilot's responsibility to ensure that the reception works perfectly.
5. The assigned frequencies will be :
1st Option : R1, F2, R2, F4
2nd Option: E2, F2, E4, A4
6. The Quads will have to have Rgb LEDs on the front and rear.
7. The rider is obliged to put his name (Nickname) on the OSD, so that he can be identified during the competition.
8. If during the competition a Quad should fall to the ground or get caught in the overhead and/or perimeter safety netting, obstacles on the circuit, etc., it will not be able to have any kind of manual help (by other people) to restart the flight. If this happens, the pilot may be disqualified. Pilots may have the Anti-Turtle and Anti-Crash activated on their quads.
9. If during the competition a quad gets caught in the air safety net, the pilot will not be allowed to activate the engines to try to unhook the quad. If he does so, the Race Director reserves the right to disqualify the rider(s) from the race.
10. If a drone gets stuck in the safety net and the pilot activates the motors and the drone remains stuck once the race is over, the pilot will only have the time to change pilots to start a new race, to unhook it, if he/she fails to do so, the pilot must leave the circuit and leave the drone in the net and with the battery disconnected.
11. It is not allowed to have any companion in the piloting area from the qualifying phases onwards. In the case of wanting to receive instructions from a pilot's companion, this can be done from the pit area with Walkie, you will have to request it to the organization and we will give you one for the pilot and one for the companion with headset.
12. Any breach by the pilots of safety rules, misconduct, attitude, contempt, disqualifications, etc., towards other pilots, staff of the organization, public, etc., automatically leads to disqualification from the competition.
© 2025 Gaelicgp. All rights reserved

Sponsor Gaelic Gp
ADP (Aero Dron Projects), is the father and mother of the Gaelic Gp, with them was born the idea to shape and carry out these events. Their support is essential for the Gaelic Gp to keep growing and have continuity, marking the lines to follow in the events.
Their philosophy is what gives us the strength to bring our events to all types of public.